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Request a fine reduction online for eligible infraction offenses (including most traffic tickets). DO NOT USE to request traffic school, contest your ticket, or submit proof of correction. 

Small Claims

Small Claims Court is a way to sue a person, business, or government agency that you believe owes you money. It is typically a faster, cheaper, and less formal process than filing a standard civil case, but there are certain rules that you must follow.

  • Neither party can be represented by a lawyer. 
  • If you win the case, you must collect the money you are owed. The court will not do it for you. 
  • If you started the case, you can't appeal if you lose your case. The judge’s decision is final. You can appeal if you are sued, or the other side sues you back, and you lose. 

The person who files the claim is called the plaintiff and the person being sued is called the defendant. 

Plaintiffs can generally sue for up to $12,500 in small claims court. 

PLEASE NOTE:  SB-71 Jurisdiction: small claims and limited civil cases. This bill increases court jurisdiction limits over actions in some small claims and limited civil cases types. Please click here to review amendments to the law before filing.

Filing Fees

In most cases, you will be required to pay a fee to file papers with the court. Filing fees are set by the Statewide Civil Fee Schedule. If you can’t afford the filing fee(s), you can ask the court for a “fee waiver” in order to file for free. 

Learn more about Fee Waivers

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